Thursday, May 27, 2010

May Gathering

The May gathering is tonight! Have fun and no fighting please! We welcome all new comers! And if you won't be on later you can comment now or tomorrow! :)


  1. Streamstar of MountainClanMay 27, 2010 at 2:59 PM

    Streamstar jumped onto the HighTree and looked down. "MountainClan is doing excellent, we have more prey then ever before!" He smiled. "We have more kits and apprentices as well." He stepped back to let other leader's go.

  2. Navystar padded in at the head of the cats of IndigoClan. She jumped onto the HighTree and yowled to the crowd,
    "IndigoClan is becoming stronger every day. We have our deputy, Spiritsong, medicine cat, Maplestream, and med. cat apprentice, Leafpaw! Also, our new apprentices are Splashpaw, Lightpaw, Breezepaw, and Hailpaw!"

  3. Tropicalclan is growing. We have new warriors and kits along with apprentices everyday. Yet a new enemy has come Chillstar.
    She waited for gasps to calm down.

  4. Great leader, MapleStar, tell us who is this 'ChillStar'?

  5. Splashpaw wandered around, looking for other apprentices.

  6. "Yes, and does he/she pose a threat to all clans?", Navystar added.

  7. Yes he does poes a threat willing to kill any cat in his whey.

  8. I'm not Dreamshadow, so why are you yelling on my blog?

  9. [.......]


    Navystar's blue eyes looked vaguely worried. "What clan does thing Chillstar come from?"

  10. He comes from a clan called Coldclan named that because of their cold hearts.

  11. Uh... are we late.
    We are a new Clan called HeartClan. I am leader, Foreststar and this is my deputy Sixfoot and my MEdicine cats Hawkwing and Scourgecloud. I bring with me my warriors Cougarflight, Lillypool, Rainfrost, Butterflywing, Silvermask, Bugflight, Blackberryleaf, Sycamoreheart, Pinknose, and Starcloud.

  12. Pinestar (not sighned in)May 30, 2010 at 5:14 PM

    Welcome Foreststar

  13. Pinestar (not signed in)May 30, 2010 at 7:38 PM


  14. Um.. Sorry we are late.
    We are a Clan called AirClan. I am leader, Mossstar and this is my deputy Frostfang and my Medicine cat Spottedpelt. I bring my warriors Summerfire,Airdance,Daylight,Shatteredstream,Onecloud, and Liondapple. The apprentices are Fernpaw,Owlpaw,Windpaw,and Moonpaw.

  15. I know, but I don't have to change my name.

  16. Um..Sorry we are late.
    We are a new Clan called SunsetClan. I am leader, Sunsetstar and this is my deputy Tornadosky and my medicine cats Appleseed and Sweetpaw. I bring my warriors Tawnyspots, Startail, and Shadowflower. (please join! i had to bring the whole clan!)
